
Water Blessing of Feet



Blessing your feet in clear water

helps clarify the energy

all around your physical

& etheric field also

known as your spirit or aura.


Saltwater also helps dissolve,

deflect, refract dense energy

that easily attaches to us all.

My feet - photo by Elena Rego

“My feet” a photo by Elena Rego

Many use anointing oils or

essential oil in their foot baths.

Different Cultures have different methods.


You can also read about

this blessing practice

in a variety of worldwide sacred writings

through history both ancient and new

including the Bibles.

Always Bless your feet.


Listen to Mother Earth

♥ ‘ May you be blessed with Sacred “Hearing” ♥

Listen to Mother Earth as she calls you

to help re-unite her energies with

Heaven’s Silver & Blue Light ♥

Blessed Mother, Archangel Michael,

Dolphins, Whales & other

Earth healing Angels & Masters

use this light to reconnect

you all to

all Ancient Sacred wisdom

through the stars ~

This light blesses earth &

yearns for memories of Lemuria

where the womb of the world

was whole & fed the Garden ♥

As earth Angels you can visualise

this energy frequency to heal

all that is cracked & broken ~

Visualise this light frequency to erase or rub out

pollution ,

weather imbalances

or unwanted tectonic activity ~

The Angels will help deliver

this healing light in abundance

so that you all may use it freely’ ♥

LOVE ♥ (((xoxoxo))),

The Angels

~Sacred Heart Blessings of Angels Love September 6th, 2012

Mother Earth

Dance with her birthmark blessing you… 

Cradle yourself in her womb….

Rejoice in all her Glory…

She is yours…

God’s gift to us all…


Oh where has thy passion gone?

Stories of old laid waste

in the ruins of tattered paper money,

fields rank with petrol fumes,

cement, fallen bricks and now stolen copper

where the sacred cows & humble

sheep once roamed.

Oh misguided souls how adept

thou has become at


but at what cost?

Selling your culture…

 enslaving a people…

What a price to pay…

How much was foresaken?

The destruction of family?

The division of home?

Ancient Language?

Ancient land? Myths?

Lore Magic?

All more precious than any gold.


earth’s very own liquid anti-biotic

misused to feed the Sin



The very breath & soul of your

Ancient Land resurrects


grows stronger each moment.

Blessed with the wisdom of ancients

Love leads the way

from lands of old.

Ascended Masters

Druids, Bards, Shaman return!

In numbers not seen before

Living Saints


Souls of old

have stamina with Heaven.

Heaven’s help reaching

towards you all ~ nourishing

your thirst for





Love of all the land…

Respect for its gifts in its natural consecration

benefits all

blessed with truth



of the heart…

Beloved Patrick & Brighid of Grace

Patron Saints of Eire

alive within the pulse of your island,

speak through the Hearts

of those that listen.

Teach with what is authentic,

set the souls of

God’s people free.

Genetic Engineer

Heaven is the only genetic engineer we need….

amber waves,

spacious skies,

butterscotch sunshine


pure rain.


Angel Sacrificing Her Wings for Free Will

We all have free will ~

the choice is ours…

it is true though that in the end

and along the way

of our journey…

~ free will isn’t free ~

…it can be very expensive

for instance the cost of

our true happiness,

our true love.

our true selves,

our true career

& sometimes our life….

but most importantly is

the life of Earth….

~ think about it ♥

HONEYSUCKLE ~ The Rose Ministry

Honeysuckle flowers resemble an intertwined couple and in lore are considered the living symbol for LOVE.  Not much compares to the romantic, sensuous, sweet scent of HONEYSUCKLE warmed by the sun on the side of a country road ~ a fragrance that reputedly induces dreams of passionate romance. Even its pastel color cream glows warm and irresistible ~ A promise of marriage within a year can be divined when Honeysuckle is brought into a home.

Honeysuckle grows prolifically wild around the world and is a favourite of bees and hummingbirds. Many of us that had some time spent in the countryside learned from our mothers how to gently pick the honeysuckle flower and suck the sweet dabble of nectar hidden within.

Maybe what we didn’t realise was that HONEYSUCKLE flowers, nectar and leaves contain some of the highest anti~bacterial and anti~viral ORAC scores in the world & is one of the oldest known medicinal herbs to man ~ and bees of course. 

Through out time honeysuckle has been used successfully to treat everything from snake bites, urinary infections, lung congestion, dysentery, rheumatoid arthritis, wounds, flu, ulcers, acute hepatitis, menstrual cramps and fever during childbirth. It also is used to kill major infection bacteria: staph, strep & salmonella. 

Honeysuckle is supreme at purging & cleansing poisons from the human body. It also has an energy ‘cooling’ effect and is used medicinally to treat conditions caused by summer heat, ‘fire entities’ & infection.

All parts of the flower & stem can be used to make syrup, tea, decoction, elixir or puddings if you aren’t sure about the side of the road Honeysuckle tasting.

Lonicera }Honeysuckle, Jin Yin Hua, Woodbine, Goat's Leaf { 'COLD, DRY,SWEET & BITTER' >cooling, immune system, expectorant, diuretic, ANTI spasmodic, ANTI viral ANTI bacterial, ANTI inflammatory, nerve tonic, stimulates uterus, skin astringent, lymph drainage < :::GOOD FOR: Stomach, lungs, liver, skin, immune system::: }buds, flowers, leaves, stem, root { *** Inositol, luteolin, tannins ***

Recent studies show it has an effect on cancers ~ especially breast cancers. There are also preliminary indications of Honeysuckle’s ability to suppress & treat AIDS. It’s major constituent Inositol has been used extensively on treating lung cancer ~ it does not eradicate lung cancer but does arrest its development.

In energy healing Honeysuckle can be used to increase the flow of energy meridians ~ & can also allow release of tension or anxiety ~ allowing us to be in the ‘moment’.


Nectar of camellia

For educational purposes only This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

HELICHRYSUM – The Rose Ministry



Helichrysum is an evergreen aromatic herb growing up to 60 cm (24 in)  and ranks as one of most ancient & valuable healing substances along with Frankincense, Myrrh, Spikenard, and Rose capable of healing physical and emotional scarring. Angelic uses are to open the heart, connect body to spirit and opening human beings to spiritual life.  The oil is often added to blends for diseases where there is an emotional cause especially addictions and heart disease with its use during counseling to bring to the conscious surface repressed or subconscious feelings that propagate denial. Co-incidentally or I prefer ‘Heavenly Orchestrated Synchronicity’ the oil assists detoxification from alcohol, drugs  and nicotine, while releasing the body and mind from addictive patterns. Helichrysum opens the flow of subtle heart energies while its anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerating properties also help repair swollen or weak veins. Blends diffused or rubbed on the heart area help emotional release and physical clarity. Helichrysum essential oil may evoke powerful emotions in some individuals – please start with small amounts while observing reaction and always use in moderation.

Also known as Immortelle & Corsica Flowers with hundreds of varieties.This amazing flower medicine has a higher anti-inflammatory efficiency than German Chamomile, higher tissue regenerating efficiency than Lavender & higher cicatrisant rate (helping the formation of scar tissue) than Frankincense!!!!! Wow!!! Helichrysum  restores and supports skin, liver, and nervous system.* ORAC scale >17,000  provides a formidable defense against free radicals and is used in many aromatherapy & essential oil treatment blends. Another name is ‘Everlasting’ and we can see why.


Helichrysum is the oil of choice for healing scar tissue recent or old – it stops bleeding by coagulation to scab & helps tissue repair itself either neat or added to a carrier oil and applied to stretch marks, acne scars, surgical scars, and wounds of all kinds. So amazing are its properties as an anti-inflammatory with pain reducing and analgesic effects it can greatly ease Rheumatoid Arthritus symptoms especially combined with other pain relieving oils like Lavender and Yarrow which are also anti-inflammatory in a massage oil.  Also used as  antispasmodic and expectorant to relieve congestions, loosen cattarh and soothe coughs by blending three drops each of Helichrysum, Frankincense & Eucalyptus oils in two tablespoons of sweet-almond oil & massaged onto the entire chest area.

Active ingredients in Helichrysum

  Why is this flower power so efficient? SESQUITERPENES ARE NATURAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and Helichrysum is 50% sesquiterpenes!!!!!!  ESTER has a huge relaxation effect on tissues, relieves tension and allows natural ‘perfusion’ – (nutritive delivery of arterial blood to a capillary bed in the biological tissue) to take place – Helichrysum is 40% esters. 3rd major component is DIKETONE which signals tissues to regenerate. Di-ketones are reasonably rare &  guess what has highest known percentage of di-ketones?  Helichrysum. Other names for constituents are flavonoids, tannins, resin, phytosterin, neryl acetate, nerol, geraniol, pinene, and linalool. The plant also contains isosalipurposide, naringenin, naringenin-5-O-diglucoside, glucosides of apigenin, luteolin, kaempferol and quercetin &  an unidentified antibacterial mixture called arenarin. Present research on its main component – alkyl carbonic acids is ongoing.

Helichrysum in Skincare & Injuries

It has wonderful regenerating qualities healing scars, acne, dermatitis, stretch marks, boils and abscesses. while the toning qualities are phenomenal & used to perk up and bind loose hanging skin. A strong straw mixed with honey & fruit tea scent with colours ranging from red to palest of yellow.  Best results are when used like arnica right away after an acute injury but always with a medical doctor’s guidance.

Helichrysm is added to skin care products for its skin-rejuvenating properties & soothing effects on sensitive and inflamed skin. Also clears Candida and with boost to the immune system helps avoid allergies and infections. An ancient beauty formula that helps fade under eye circles very little diluted well in a carrier oil used with caution around the eyes. As a body oil with 2 oz sweet-almond oil, ten drops of helichrysum oil and five drops of rose-geranium oil leaves the skin softer, smoother & protects skin from drying while relieving psoriasis. Massaging oil into the skin immediately after  showering or bathing enhances absorption. A combination of Helichrysum and Sage helps old scars and slow healing wounds. Apply 3-6 months for old scars or 2x/day for 10 days on recent wounds.

Like Arnica gel Helichrysum applied to contusion sites usually prevents bruising, swelling and discoloration – always dilute for use on skin –  Anti-allergy, anti-inflammation, astringent, cytophylactic (stimulation of cell regeneration) – Used also as as GUM REPAIRATIVE   by mixing one drop of Helichrysum oil in one half teaspoon of witch-hazel extract, dipping toothbrush into mixture and gently rubbing over inflamed areas.


Classification of Helichrysum

Helichrysum Arenarium extract is an extract of Everlasting – Helichrysum arenarium (can also be extracted from Helichrysum angustifolium – also known as Helichrysum italicum) and is listed as a biological product. Although H. arenarium has not been allocated a functioning group in the 2004 INCI dictionary, H. angustifolium is used as a miscellaneous skin-conditioning agent and is also known as everlasting, immortelle and John’s herb extract (NOT to be confused with St. John’s wort).

Helichrysum in Nerve Damage Repair

 For regeneration of nerves there are several natural substances that Heaven has given us – Mother Nature is expert at nerve repair ~ In one instance curing quadroplegia!!!!! A  natural substance called DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) was used in one case of curing quadroplegia. There are in fact several purely natural substances that have been shown to regenerate and grow nerves.

DMSO is a natural substance. Every tree and bush on Earth has DMSO in it. It is extracted by the ton every year by the paper industry! It can penetrate skin, into the bloodstream, bind to other molecules & carry those molecules without an IV or Injection.

It can cure many diseases, DMSO cured many diseases by itself, without the need of any prescription drugs.


SEE: DMSO Article],

How does DMSO relate to Helichrysum? In several cases of deafness from birth the use of Helichrysum was seen to regenerate nerves in the ears!!!  Deafness caused by nerves not connecting has been cured with helichrysum.

This means Helichrysum  is a candidate to cure spinal cord injuries and other conditions involving nerve damage.

If the nerve damage is degenerative, rather than caused by accident or trauma, heavy metals may be involved in the degeneration. This is an entirely different matter which would involve chelation or oral chelation.  

Helichrysum in HEP C TREATMENT


“A 2003 study conducted by Roger Lewis MD at the Young Life Research Clinic in Provo, Utah evaluated the efficacy of helichrysum, ledum, and celery seed in treating cases of advanced Hepatitis C. In one case of a male age 20 diagnosed with a Hepatitis C viral count of 13,200. After taking two capsules (approx. 750 mg each) of a blend of helichrysum, ledum, and celery seed (JuvaCleanse) per day for a month with no other intervention, patients showed that viral counts dropped to 2,580, an over 80 percent reduction.”  


Please note
Some oils can cause sensitization or allergic reactions in some individuals. When using a new oil for the first time, do a skin patch on a small area of skin. Place a small amount of the diluted essential oil on the inside of your elbow and apply a bandage. Wait 24 hours to see if there is a reaction. Discontinue use if there is any form of reaction.Proceed carefully and with guidance if the following conditions exist : USE DURING Pregnancy, you may want to avoid all essential oils during your pregnancy.High blood pressure, epilepsy, open wounds, diabetes, rashes, neurological disorders, doctor prescribed medications or homeopathic remedies. Do not apply undiluted to the skin, dilute in a pure vegetable carrier oil.For treatments of health ailments, please seek diagnosis and recommendations from a licensed medical practitioner.These safety guidelines are not a complete safety reference for the proper use of essential oils. When in doubt, consult your physician and/or a qualified and trained aromatherapy practitioner.

Magical Tree

Magical Tree

Most believe that ‘magic’ is attainable by a select few ~ Magic is everywhere on Earth ~ Majestic Creation is the supreme expression of Divinity in a tangible form for us to see, touch, hear & taste ~ Heaven’s Gifts to us all.