
Finger Painting




Our Kitchen table


Our kitchen floor


Sacred Prayer Hiking & Walking Sticks


Each one of a kind. Used in nature walks & Healing sessions.


Or just plain art. Made to order.


Or especially designed channeled by Angels for you


Earth Angels

Earth Angels are highly sensitive humans

that have etheric wings

that not all can see.

Their soul portals are different

& more complex

so that Heavenly Light

can attach efficiently

allowing them to deliver

Love & Light…

Their physical body’s systems of immunity


also their allergen sensitivity to

Earth’s manmade chemicals

are highly sensitive


can dysfunction easily.

That does not mean they are weak

or strange. Earth Angels are specialised

tools for Heaven in Service to Heaven.

Earth Angels help spread

Heaven’s Healing,

Faith, Hope, Love & Understanding

to all of humanity.

Do you know an Earth Angel?

If so let them know how much we need

& Love them.

God promised to send his Angels….

& Earth Angels are just some

of his cizillion helpers.

Beautiful Gifts of Comfort

♥ As a small child, my mother gave me a special tool to calm me down when Earth got too much ~ A perfect seashell that I placed to my ear & heard the ocean waves gently rushing the sand pulling all darkness away ♥ The sound brought me instant comfort as if in my mother’s womb ♥ The Ocean is Mother Earth’s Womb ♥ Thank You Earth for all of your beautiful gifts ♥ ~ from “Comforting Autism” by Aurora copyright 2012