Tag Archive | Archangel Raphael.

Archangel Raphael

♥ ‘ I come to you with the softest of dreams

sometimes gently brushing your cheek

to let you know I am here ♥

I am Raphael ~ Heaven’s Divine Physician ~

My name means God Heals ♥

I come to you in waves of etheric love

that you may or may not feel ~

I prefer to use deep emerald green healing frequency

but I also use other colors sometimes

the softest of pink to harmonise the LOVE in your soul

that nourishes your body

♥ Archangel Chamuel & I work closely together

to create strong love & dissipate everything else but LOVE ~

One of my gifts is the ability to appear

to you as a full human a figure

you may recognise or feel comfortable with

~ I may lead you where you need to go ~

give you direction or play you a song ~

I also love filtering through your creations

whether they be music, art or words

so that you can heal others thru my inspiration ~

The Inspiration of Heaven’s Father ~

God has gifted me many assistant angels

to help heal earth & humanity

~ Call on me in love & faith

& I’ll make my presence known’

GOD’S LOVE ♥ (((xoxoxo))),

Archangel Raphael


“Thank you Brian and Aurora!!!! I have hope that there is  Divine purpose for what has been so difficult, and that I am not alone in this journey. I feel more connected, lighter and full of Love. I find it truly amazing that the colors and things you described were so right on or similar to what I was seeing and then to have it explained- THANK YOU!! How wonderfully blessed I feel for having “found” you through your site! You are Amazing Beings here to bring Love and Light and I thank you and your Committee for sharing your gifts with me:)”  LOVE,  E.    USA

I am SO grateful to Aurora and Brian for their ‘Twin Soul Blessing’ I have felt subtle shift after subtle shift ever since. I KNOW now that I am being guided in the most positive ways. My connection with my partner has strengthened DELIGHTFULLY in less than a week since my blessing!

~Arna, Australia

Another Lightworker’s response to our long distance ‘Angelic Crystal Guidance’ ~

“Appreciate you and your gift . Your reading is amazing~ amazing as always….You are so gifted ….. ♥ ♥ ♥love hearts ♥to u. ♥ You amaze me everytime …the quality of your reading is beyond words”

 ~ A. Tamara

Written for us after a 30 minute Long Distance Birthday Blessing

It was the time of my birthday when I received a note about a spiritual blessing. I was told it would be a form of meditation and could happen long distance at an agreed upon time. I was uncertain since I felt I always had trouble meditating in the traditional way, however, I felt I was willing to participate. We agreed to “meet” at 6:00 pm my time. I went out to my barn and I sat in my chair at 5:50 pm and became quiet and tried not to think.

I closed my eyes and was still. All was quiet and it was finally 6:00pm. I stayed quiet and kept my eyes closed and relaxed. The next thing I knew it was 6:40pm and opened my eyes and looked around. I was so relaxed, I couldn’t move. I sat for another 10 minutes before I moved. I got up to walk back to the house and I felt a little shaky, but so relaxed. When I got back to my computer and sat down, I found a short message from Aurora about our session and she said she would write something up and send it to me. I felt very close to them and I felt I had changed in some way. I continued to be so calm and relaxed and in a way felt like a different person. When I think back I feel that my body may have remained in that chair, but I am not so sure I did. I think the three of us somehow were together when all this happened. I can’t say enough about the content of the report I received. It was wonderful and it contained something about me that they could not have known, and yet there it was. Everything in the report resonated with me and I believe all that happened was very “real”. I am so grateful that such a blessing was done on me, and I would strongly encourage others to experience the wonderment of such a Blessing.

                          ~  ’Spiritguide’

A Letter Written to AngelsLightWorldWide about our private in person Blessings from Mikki short for Michael ♥ SHE is named after ArchAngel Michael ♥ She asked that we share this letter to help others that may benefit from Sacred Heart Blessings ♥

‘I had a very peaceful tranquil feeling after my blessing with Aurora & Brian. I saw an amber halo in my mind. The scent of sage, the music & candles were so soothing to my soul. I kept thinking the session was over but they had only just begun. I heard a very pleasant sounding of I believe a bell and I saw an Angel inside the Amber Halo in my mind. I felt so at peace. I then began to release a lot of old stored up guilt, some real guilt, some I believe also many of us carry because we were perhaps taught to feel shame – (not necessarily from any one person but a lot of us for whatever reason hold a lot of false guilt I believe ) This release of guilt made me weep. I held it inI My eyes were closed but my eyes welled up & I felt release. I also have back & neck pain  – they laid their hands over these areas at the end – after this gentle blessing both have been better since. I felt that a lot of my fears have been lifted. I feel at peace & full of love. Thank you God for working through Aurora & Brian to help me. These are two gentle, insightful & kind souls. I have not one negative thought in my mind. They are precious. There are Angels all  over their home. Need I say more? Spread the LOVE.’

~ Mikki short for Archangel Michael ♥

♥ Another note from a friend about Love Blessings over the phone ♥

‘ I have had 2 meditation/relaxation sessions with Brian and Aurora over the phone and they had an amazing impact on me. All I can say is that I am a believer in what they do. They are warm, compassionate and loving. Give them a try if you are in need of some spirtual help.’

~ Ron in Beverly Hills, CA

More beautiful news about private in person Sacred Heart Love Blessings

‘Thank you my dear friends for “clearing” my blocked chakra’s !!!! I am alive and well again ♥ ♥ ♥ Maybe cleaning and scrubbing them is more appropriate. Love and light is the way.’

DGW ~Lightworker, Herbologist France & Nevada ~ whom has since met and is engaged to Twin Flame ~ wedding we are officiating ~


“Thank you Brian and Aurora!!!! I have hope that there is  Divine purpose for what has been so difficult, and that I am not alone in this journey. I feel more connected, lighter and full of Love. I find it truly amazing that the colors and things you described were so right on or similar to what I was seeing and then to have it explained- THANK YOU!! How wonderfully blessed I feel for having “found” you through your site! You are Amazing Beings here to bring Love and Light and I thank you and your Committee for sharing your gifts with me:)”  LOVE,  E.    USA


I am SO grateful to Aurora and Brian for their ‘Twin Soul Blessing’ I have felt subtle shift after subtle shift ever since. I KNOW now that I am being guided in the most positive ways. My connection with my partner has strengthened DELIGHTFULLY in less than a week since my blessing!

~Arna, Australia


Another Lightworker’s response to our long distance ‘Angelic Crystal Guidance’ ~

“Appreciate you and your gift . Your reading is amazing~ amazing as always….You are so gifted ….. ♥ ♥ ♥love hearts ♥to u. ♥ You amaze me everytime …the quality of your reading is beyond words”

 ~ A. Tamara


Written for us after a 30 minute Long Distance Birthday Blessing

It was the time of my birthday when I received a note about a spiritual blessing. I was told it would be a form of meditation and could happen long distance at an agreed upon time. I was uncertain since I felt I always had trouble meditating in the traditional way, however, I felt I was willing to participate. We agreed to “meet” at 6:00 pm my time. I went out to my barn and I sat in my chair at 5:50 pm and became quiet and tried not to think.

I closed my eyes and was still. All was quiet and it was finally 6:00pm. I stayed quiet and kept my eyes closed and relaxed. The next thing I knew it was 6:40pm and opened my eyes and looked around. I was so relaxed, I couldn’t move. I sat for another 10 minutes before I moved. I got up to walk back to the house and I felt a little shaky, but so relaxed. When I got back to my computer and sat down, I found a short message from Aurora about our session and she said she would write something up and send it to me. I felt very close to them and I felt I had changed in some way. I continued to be so calm and relaxed and in a way felt like a different person. When I think back I feel that my body may have remained in that chair, but I am not so sure I did. I think the three of us somehow were together when all this happened. I can’t say enough about the content of the report I received. It was wonderful and it contained something about me that they could not have known, and yet there it was. Everything in the report resonated with me and I believe all that happened was very “real”. I am so grateful that such a blessing was done on me, and I would strongly encourage others to experience the wonderment of such a Blessing.

                          ~  ’Spiritguide’

A Letter Written to AngelsLightWorldWide about our private in person Blessings from Mikki short for Michael ♥ SHE is named after ArchAngel Michael ♥ She asked that we share this letter to help others that may benefit from Sacred Heart Blessings ♥

‘I had a very peaceful tranquil feeling after my blessing with Aurora & Brian. I saw an amber halo in my mind. The scent of sage, the music & candles were so soothing to my soul. I kept thinking the session was over but they had only just begun. I heard a very pleasant sounding of I believe a bell and I saw an Angel inside the Amber Halo in my mind. I felt so at peace. I then began to release a lot of old stored up guilt, some real guilt, some I believe also many of us carry because we were perhaps taught to feel shame – (not necessarily from any one person but a lot of us for whatever reason hold a lot of false guilt I believe ) This release of guilt made me weep. I held it inI My eyes were closed but my eyes welled up & I felt release. I also have back & neck pain  – they laid their hands over these areas at the end – after this gentle blessing both have been better since. I felt that a lot of my fears have been lifted. I feel at peace & full of love. Thank you God for working through Aurora & Brian to help me. These are two gentle, insightful & kind souls. I have not one negative thought in my mind. They are precious. There are Angels all  over their home. Need I say more? Spread the LOVE.’

~ Mikki short for Archangel Michael ♥

♥ Another note from a friend about Love Blessings over the phone ♥

‘ I have had 2 meditation/relaxation sessions with Brian and Aurora over the phone and they had an amazing impact on me. All I can say is that I am a believer in what they do. They are warm, compassionate and loving. Give them a try if you are in need of some spirtual help.’

~ Ron in Beverly Hills, CA

More beautiful news about private in person Sacred Heart Love Blessings

‘Thank you my dear friends for “clearing” my blocked chakra’s !!!! I am alive and well again ♥ ♥ ♥ Maybe cleaning and scrubbing them is more appropriate. Love and light is the way.’

DGW ~Lightworker, Herbologist France & Nevada ~ whom has since met and is engaged to Twin Flame ~ wedding we are officiating ~